Born in Tokyo, Japan
Currently lives and works in Charlotte, NC
Co-Director of Goodyear Arts, Charlotte, NC

2013  MFA, SVA Art Practice, New York, NY
2010  BFA,  School of Visual Arts, New York, NY 
2007  ASA,  LaGuardia Community College, Long Island City, NY

2025 Protean Scope, Gaston College, Dallas, NC
2022  Phantom Spaces, Rowe Gallery, Charlotte, NC
2022  Phantom Spaces, The Dubois Center, Charlotte, NC


2024 Doomsday and Night IV, Goodyear Arts, Charlotte, NC
2024  Toricho Art Fes, Fujisawa-city, Kanagawa, Japan
2023  Nutrient Rich, Goodyear Arts, Charlotte, NC
2022  Nutrient Rich, Goodyear Arts, Charlotte, NC
2022  Toricho Art Fes, Fujisawa-city, Kanagawa, Japan
2021  Nutrient Rich, Goodyear Arts, Charlotte, NC
2021  Toricho Art Fes, Fujisawa-city, Kanagawa, Japan
2021  It Takes a Village: Charlotte’s Artist Collectives, Mint Museum Randolph, Charlotte, NC
2020  Nutrient Rich, Goodyear Arts, Charlotte, NC
2020  Modifyed, Gallery C3, Charlotte, NC
2019  Residency Showcase, Goodyear Arts, Charlotte, NC
2015  Governors Island Art Fair, Governors Island, NY
2015  Animal Architectures, Wryth Studio, Brooklyn, NY
2015  Highways and Rest Stops, Visual Arts Gallery, New York, NY
2014  Homesickness, Glasshouse, Brooklyn, NY
2013  Another, fourfold, Interstate Projects, Brooklyn, NY
2012  Missinglinks, Electronic Arts Intermix, New York, NY
2012  Art Practice in Situ, Visual Arts Gallery, New York, NY
2012  Nostalgia For the Future, SPACEWOMb, Long Island City, NY
2011  Dames Do Digital, SVA Main Gallery, New York, NY
2009  Young Artists Exhibition, Tamada Projects Temporary, Tokyo, Japan
2009  Selected, Gallery Michi, New York, NY
2009  Survey, Brooklyn Artillery, Brooklyn, NY

2019 Goodyear Arts, Charlotte, NC

2016  Graduate Fellowship, UNC Charlotte College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, Charlotte, NC
2011  SVA Art Practice Award
2010  Alumni Scholarship Award, The Alumni Society of School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
2009  ISE Cultural Foundation Gallery Award, New York, NY
2008  Silas H. Rhodes Scholarship, New York, NY
2007  Salzburg Seminar, Salzburg, Austria

2020  “2020 BOB Awards: Explore.” Charlotte Magazine, May 2020, pp.68.

2022 Rowney, Matthew, In Common Things: Commerce, Culture, and Ecology in British Romantic Literature, University of Toronto Press - Painting for a book cover
2020 Camp North End, Charlotte, NC - Painting for a conference room

2010  20/20 Magazine, The School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
2008  The Visual Opinion Magazine, The School of Visual Arts, New York, NY
2005  The literacy Review Vol. 3, NYU Gallatin Writing Program Publication, New York, NY
2004  The literacy Review Vol. 2, NYU Gallatin Writing Program Publication, New York, NY